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tv   KPIX 5 News at 630pm  CBS  March 2, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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now makes four deadly police shootings in northern california in the past week. yesterday, deputies in sonoma county killed a suspected kidnapper and on tuesday a shootout between a gunman and officers in santa cruz ended with a suspect dead as well as two officers. well, santa clara county held its largest gun buyback program in its history today. $150,000 in cash was handed out in exchange for firearms. each handgun, shotgun and rifle would you describe worth a hun dollars. each assault weapon, 200. either way the goal is to get the guns off the streets. >> if there is any fear from anyone saying, well, you know, what if i'm connected to something, it is anonymous. we are maintaining that program to be anonymous so that we encourage those that wish to turn in a weapon will do so. >> police say after they've turned in the guns, those guns are destroyed. well, it is something no one can quite get their minds around a hole in the earth opening up under a house devouring a man sleeping in his
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bed. engineers say that sink hole is now 50 feet deep and now the entire neighborhood is in danger. cbs reporter explains the search for the missing man is now called off. >> people are comforting the family of a florida man missing in a sink hole that swallowed his bedroom. saturday rescue crews called off the search for 37-year-old jeff bush's body. >> at this point we have to move beyond the rescue to a demolition phase and a securing of the site. >> bush disappeared thursday when the earth under his home opened up. before crews ended the search, jeff's brother jermy was desperate for them to retrieve the body. >> that's where his grave is going to be, and i truly hope they can get him out so we have some kind of closure. >> jermy even try today save his brother thursday. he jumped into the hole but got stuck and had to be rescued himself. >> it's going to bother me for the rest of my life. i believe i'm going to have trouble because i was in the hole trying to rescue him.
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>> engineering say the sink hole is slowly growing and now threatens other homes in the suburb east of tampa. saturday firefighters helped those families evacuate with some belongings. crews say the sink hole is so deep and unstable it will be tricky to demolish the bush's house. >> any further demolition can't even take place on site. it needs to be done from outside the perimeter with huge equipment that we'll be able to reach in. >> the demolition is expected to begin sunday morning. cbs news. >> florida is highly prone to sink hole s and that's because there are caverns of limestone below ground that can dissolve in ground water. in 1981 a sink hole near orlando grew to 400 feet across. it devoured five sports cars, two businesses, a three bedroom house and a deend of an olympic-sized swimming pool. all right. let's go back to san jose and kpix 5's don who's at the scene with the latest shooting voing a police officer. don. >> officers on the scene tonight looking over this investigation.
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obviously they're going to stay here for some time trying to figure this out. it's kind of one of those sad situations where you have something that begins almost as an inok would you say confrontation between a police officer and a suspect ed ending up in violence in a neighborhood with several police cars and a suspect shot dead. let's take a look at the video. >> what began as a solo officer chasing a suspect ended up with multiple police cars chasing and ultimately shooting the suspect. it began about 2:30 in the afternoon according to san jose police sergeant jason dwyer with what an officer decided was a dprooifr acting suspiciously. when he approached the car dwyer say it is car sped off and later when the officer caught up with him, the driver rammed the mri police car. that brought other officer into the chase. >> during that pursuit the initial pursuing officer's car is disabled. he has to drop out of the pursuit, and the suspect then is able to ram what we believe at this point to be at least two other marked police cars. >> the pursuit is now at low speeds in this neighborhood near blossom and claro.
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the suspect is driving on rims after a tire is blown out. neighbor jim describe what is he saw. >> we heard all the sirens going, but i heard a car making a lot of noise. when i looked up, he was going up blossom and you could see the car just dragging in the street and then police were following and like i said, we counted up to 13 police cars following him. >> the spikts then pulled up in front of a residence and got out of his car. dwyer stays officers felt the suspect presented an imminent danger. they pulled up and drew their weapons. >> both offices fired at the suspect. the suspect was struck by the gunfire, went down and was later pronounced dead at the scene. >> a tragic ending to all of this this afternoon. officers have not offered any kind of explanation of what it was that really triggered all of this violence, what got the sus poekt to ram three police cars, but it certainly ended up violently, and i'll add also apparently the suspect's mother was nearby and hysterical, of course after what happened. back to you. >> it looks like the streets will be closed for some time
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tonight. >> when there's an officer-involved shooting, obviously it will go on for some time. they'll have quite a bit of sglvgs all right. don, thank you so much. well, california republicans are meeting this week toend plan their comeback from major losses in last november's elections. the election gave democrats two-thirds majority in both houses of the state legislature. republican voter registration is at an all-tiechl low of 29%. today republicans carl rove told the party's state convention to look at current problems as a chance to rebuild from the ground up. >> you're signature there saying can we come back, and my answer is yes you can but only if you have a belief that you can and you take the values that we have and go sell them as hard as you can. >> rove also told the group that the party has to recruit candidates who reflect the state's ethnic diversity. a rookie is east bay congressman says he's already fed up with the congressional stalemate. democrat held his first town hal
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meeting today. he expressed his disappointment that the sequester will go into effect he says it will cost his district $11 million in education cuts alone. he says the american people want a common sense approach of spending cuts and tax income. >> right now i -- i see a congress with younger members who have just been elected who are eager and ready to work, but i see a republican house leadership that is putting forth irresponsible cuts that are going to hurt the american people. >> he say it is economy is fragile but moving forward drastic type of sequester could slow that progress. the sheriff's department is warning people in a san mateo neighborhood about a string of burglaries. burglars broke into homes on lexington avenue and sheraton place in the high lands area. police say in all three cases the burglars got in through the homes through sliding glass back doors. one woman says her husband came home and found their home
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ransack and had valuable jewelry was missing. he say it is back door had been forced open. >> probably they have something that you know, the bar you know and then they have a lock here. the -- they broke the lock. >> the sheriff's department has added extra patrols in the neighborhood, and deputies are asking neighbors to report any suspicious vehicles or activity. for some it's a way for them to help pay for the rising cost of living. the job opportunities hundreds are lining up for no matter what the position. and we're counting down the days until the opening of the new eastern span of the bay bridge. kpix 5 is your official station for the opening ceremony labor day weekend.
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hello! how sharp is your business security? can it help protect your people and property
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while keeping out threats to your operations? it's not working! yes it is. welcome to tyco integrated security. with world-class monitoring centers and thousands of qualified technicians. we've got a personal passion to help your business run safer smarter, and sharper. we are tyco integrated security. and we are sharper. are trying to win a job with the club. but they aren't the only ones . we're well into spring training and hundred of baseball players are trying to wayne job with a club, but they aren't the only ones looking for work. kpix 5's ann shows tus big turnout for the san jose giants job fair. >> times are tough right now. >> hundreds of job seekers came hopeful for even part-tiechl temp work with san jose giants.
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>> we're not talking about high school kids picking up work for the summer. >> i haven't done this in probably 11 years so it's -- it's kind of nerve racking stomach ache you know. >> liz perezdeleon already has a job, but she needs another one to keep uprising cost of living. randy agrees he already works full time at a warehouse. >> there are a lot of jobs available, but then there's a lot of competition, though. everyone is looking for a job right now. >> training and ten years experience in promotions, but she'll take what she can get. >> retail sales i'm willing to start there. i understand that and learn more about the game just being there and then move up from there. >> you know, we've had such a huge turnout the last few dwleers we decide today change the process this year. >> applicants had to preregister online and then be invite today this hiring event. 400 people got the nod. >> with the online process really to have about 200 people so we doubled our numbers. >> now they have no problem
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filling jobs unlike the dais when the silicon valley was booming. >> my first year was eight seasons ago and we had about 50 people so that's the difference. >> about 125 jobs are actually available. that means only one in four will be hired. find out on friday. >> there's some anxiety. anxious. >> how are you going to keep your mind off the nerves until friday. >> i have no idea. i really don't know. >> these jobs will start when the san jose giants kick off their season on april 11th. in san jose, ann kpix 5. >> all of the jobs offered at today's job fair are minimum wage. in san jose, that is now $10 an hour. it looks like today across the bay area we were a good ten degrees cooler in some neighborhoods in comparison to yesterday, and now rain in the forecast. we'll pinpoint when you should expect it as the news continues right here on kpix 5.
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♪ roundup ♪ ♪ i want a weed free season that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ ♪ i just spray them weeds then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ [ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha ♪ with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ] [ crickets chirping
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] [ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ] ooh kfc. hey, you're supposed to wait
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for everybody. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. aviation history. it's seeking private bids for the re . the federal government wants to invest in a piece of bay area aviation history. it's seek private bids for the restoration and reuse of haven gar 1. the future of hangar 1 has been uncertain ever since toxins were discovered leaching from its panel ten years ago. the navy cleaned up the site but removed the panels last year leaving the steel frame exposed
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toth elements. maybe they'll be some rain drops heading our direction. >> we do have a few rain drops in the forecast, nothing substantial. in fact, we'll be smsh this particular area of low pressure, its precipitation and a few one hun dretds of an inch. let's go out and take a look at our live high depth doppler radar. lots of green on the screen. you're saying, hey that looks pretty ominous but it's deceiving. it's actually precipitation that's falling but evaporates before it hits the ground. we refer to that as verga and as we zoom on it you can see we have plenty of verga right now anywhere between yontville back into petaluma just scooting on novato and napa. oakland right now couple bucks admission to get in. looks like we do have mostly cloudy skies there. air temperature now stands in oakland at 57 degrees after a high today of 72 that was two degrees shy of the record yesterday of 74.
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we had five records yesterday including 81 degrees in santa cruz. today ten degrees cooler there at 71. 69 san francisco. it was 74 degrees in napa back in sonoma and glen allen, low 70s in san jose. all these numbers well above normal. tonight relatively mild because of the blanket of cloud cover into the 40s and 50s. now, here we go. here owes your forecast. here are your weather headlines. tonight few rain drops maybe even a shower overnight hours leaving us with some pafrp especially north of the golden gate bridge for sunday morning. wednesday perhaps as early as your tuesday evening commute. plume of moisture right here banks up against the northwest earn section of the state of california, however, we have so much dry air mass in place that the rains evaporate. behind it some cooler temperature dos scoot in. meanwhile let's go ahead and play along at home with your future cast so you can plan out your sunday activities. it looks like there you have
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your whole day relatively dry. then the clouds begin to move out by monday, increasing clouds with more rain entering the picture for tuesday night's commute. meanwhile tomorrow your numbers will be cooler than today and you're going to notice a difference with wersly winds 10 to 20 miles per hour. let me get out of the way so you can take a good look at those temperatures. 50s and 60s that indeed is seasonal then another seasonal day on monday with full-on sunshine. cloud up by tuesday. least of that rain by tuesday night into wednesday, a lowering snow level down to 3500 feet wednesday night but tomorrow for the napa valley marathon, you can't ask for really better weather even if they have a couple rain drops at the start. it will be dry. it'll top off in the 60s perfect for running a marathon. >> thank you. all right. got his eyes on cal and stanford. >> that's right. march madness is right around the corner, selection sunday two weeks from tomorrow. ahead cal men and women peaking at the right time.
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stanford women also rolling along, but the warriors, they just wrapped up a brutal road trip.
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what's that? when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no! don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. david . nba business, best thing you can say about this warrior's road trip is that it's over. another road loss, this time in philadelphia. up 16 in the first half, as many as into the second and the warriors ran out of gas. fourth game in five nights. we get it. 76ers just jumped on them.
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evan turner, jrue holiday. the sixers snap a 746 game losing streak. warriors lose 104-97. one in four on the road trip. losers of four straight as they come home. oh ouven. another 21 season for cal's mike montgomery hosting colorado up four in the second. tyrone wallace with authority. under six nonts go in the game and the joint is jumping. here's the dagger, a swatted one end and on the fast break it's the trailer david. he had 14, and cal wins it 64 to 46. a lot of love in spokane. solidified his claim as no. 1 team in the country. destroyed portland. 15 points 11 rebounds. ripped portland 81-52. just wait for those polls to come out on monday. on the women's side, got to hand it to fourth-ranked stanford a share of 13 straight
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conference titles now. they wore down washington state a landmark day for jenae. stanford struck early in offense. picked it clean. 28 and 13 her numbers the 13 rebounds. puts her ahead of her sister for the all-thiem single season rebounding record. second half bonnie long range automatic. 72 to 50 the final score this afternoon, and this from the cal women, a share of the pac-12 regular season title with stanford. cal gets it for the first time r. they rolled washington 78 to 50 to do it. spring training action, a look at jolly panda. pablo going yard. his first of the spring and the giants beat the cubs by a final of 9 to 7. now, the giants had a little split squad action. all of a sudden i'm struck with tongue, can't have the ability to spooem speak.
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giants and royals got together. the as over the rockies 6 to 3. josh reddick brandon moss both hit homers for the green and gold. earthquakes had their best record in major league soccer that's year but in the playoffs, it was over. early back in november a home post season eliminating loss. the land donovan and the galaxy the eventual league champion so going to open up 2013 campaign tomorrow night hosting rail salt lake in santa clara. they led the league in scoring last year so the offense is there. goalie john bush theorizes the sting of 2012 in a strange way. might be what this young team needs moving forward. >> you look at our series against the la. we get a 1-0 win down in la. we come back and they cake of business in that second game here and you know, credit to la credit to land and beckham. when they guys need today step up they step up. now, we have to get our players to that level so when the
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playoffs come around and a big game comes around like that and it's an elimination game, we come out on the positive side. from soccer to golf. we're all over the place. this is honda klassic in florida where it was windy. didn't bother michael thompson who blasted out of the sand and finished tied for the lead at 8 under with luke gut gutrie. the long effort in the clubhouse as the coloader tiger woods not the coleader. he shot 70 for the day and 9 strokes back. klassic last night kings pavilion. mission in yellow doing it to lincoln. they win three overtimes folks. antoine followed that up with ronald marillo. mission wins the city title 78 to 71. how about a good old fashioned hockey fight huh? minor league hockey.
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francis and se bastian if you're scoring at home siegz each other up. 30 seconds later they're still looking at each other not one punch thrown. even the refs had to say fellows, we'd like to get the hockey game going. could you -- could you throw a blow or just -- or just stop and let's just shake hands and keep ongoing on? that --. >> that's how that ended. >> that's --. >> kind of give a bear hug and --. >> just dancing around on the ice. >> a bear hug. >> yeah. >> that would never happen at a sharks game. >> you're right. those tough guys. >> that's it for us. see you again at 11:00. good night.
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>> announcer: the following program is sponsored by operation smile. every year, hundreds of thousands of children are born with cleft lip and or cleft palate. >> dr. bill magee: why should any child anywhere on this planet, have to live a life of misery.
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>> kathy majette: a lot of people think that children that are born with these deformities are cursed. just imagine a life alone, that nobody wanted to be around you. >> norrie oelkers: and we had children coming in for screening with brown bagover their head. they're never allowed to leave their house unless they have a bag on their heads. >> kathy majette: some children don't live, because they have problems with eating, and drinking, and die of malnutrition. >> mel: and they see us as their last resort. >> dr. jill gora: every child deserves a fair chance at life >> peggy stillman: it may only take an hour to do something that will change their lives forever. >> noreen kessler: and you just see a whole new person, a whole new beginning. it's almost like they're reborn. i can't think of another word but phenomenal. [ music ] >> roma downey: as a mother, i would do anything i could to help my child live a normal life. and i'm sure you would, too. but what if you couldn't do anything?
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what if you were totally helpless? that's the situation for hundreds and thousands of parents in developing countries whose children are born with cleft lip or cleft palate. in the united states these deformities are corrected shortly after birth. but in many countries around the world these children are left untreated and are shunned. [ music ] [ children's voices ] >> roma downey: i'm in le loi hospital. the volunteer operation smile medical team has come from all over the world to perform surgeries, and parents have brought their children here, hoping that they'll be selected. nine-year-old sut has been ridiculed and rejected all his life. sut isn't even his real name but that's what he's been called from the day he was born. sut means harelip; a terrible name for a child born with a cleft lip. he's from a very poor family who could never afford surgery.


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